About Me

I'm a working Mom-of-two who find parenting to be both rewarding and terrifying at the same time.  Being a not-so-young Mom (sure I'm still young, but most people start their families earlier in life), has its challenges.  I'm not as energetic and patient as I was 10 years ago, yet I do tend to think more before I do something crazy!  Or at least I would like to think so.

I absolutely adore my girls although the drive me up the wall sometimes.  I cannot imagine what life was like before having them, neither do I want to.

When I'm not at work or spending much needed quality time with my family, I am studying to hopefully become a pro-photographer.  Sometimes I think that I bit off more than what I can chew, but hey, it keeps life interesting.

A future project I have in mind is to write a children's book.  Watch this space...

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