Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pre-Schools and Extramural Activities

I took a day's leave on Friday and hubby took the morning off so we could go school-hunting for next year.  We are planning on moving to a different area so it only makes sense to either find a Pre-Primary school in that area for Kiddy#1 or alternatively find a school near where I work in town.

One thing I have noticed that the Pre-Primary / Nursery schools in town don't necessarily offer extramural activities which can be attended at school like we have at the schools in the suburb we are living in.  Probably due to a lack of space.  Kiddy#1 LOVES her ballet class so once we find a school we both like, we will most probably start hunting for a dance class in the area as well.

Another thing I've noticed is that none of the schools near our office mentions an annual school concert like the schools do in the suburbs.  The kids love this so I will definitely be asking about it.  It is good to know whether they do have it.

There is a highly-recommended school in the area we want to move to (we were shocked by the costs of Pre-Primary schools in the area!), but they are full for the next year and have many kids on the waiting list already.  I was amazed that when we were at this school that has over a hundred kids, you didn't hear a sound coming from them while they were busy with their classes!  Discipline is a big factor for us at the moment seeing that Kiddy#1 is at a age where she really pushes the boundaries and if she gets away with it too often at pre-school, she will think it is ok to do so and will then experience difficulty when she starts Primary School.  I visited another school near the office where I work and it seems lovely with a large play area with big oak trees, a child's dream!  It is small with maximum 50 kids in the school.  Now to get hubby to take time off from work to come an have a look!

Kiddy#2 got a bump on her forehead on Saturday night falling over her dad's foot while we were out for supper.  She hit her head against a metal door frame and now have a huge egg on her forehead and a bruise to show for it.  The brave little munchkin was smiling again within 5 minutes!  It felt like my heart stopped when I saw the bump.

She's been unwell for two days now, but I've noticed one of her Canine teeth cut through and another is on it's way which might be to blame.

When picking her up from school yesterday I had Kiddy#1 with me.  Kiddy#1 being very active and outgoing was taking over the classroom as usual when we arrived.  I cannot remember exactly what caused it, but she had the slightest hissy fit which was hilarious for her baby sister to see (ok she is not a baby anymore, she is considered a toddler now, I know).  Anyway, Kiddy#2 had a little hysterical outburst of laughter after seeing her big sister's little temper tantrum.  Her teacher and I both found the interaction between them very amusing!

It is amazing how Kiddy#1 can completely ignore what we say or ask and then when you are so angry because she doesn't listen, she will in the sweetest little voice say "Mommy, you're my friend.  You mustn't fight!".  I mean really.... they know just what to say and when to say it to get themselves out of trouble!

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