Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hubby was working late yesterday so I picked both girls up from their different schools.  Kiddy#1 was first and on our way home we stopped at Kiddy#2's school.  Kiddy#1cannot walk past the lavender bush at Kiddy#2's school's entrance without picking four lavender flowers.  Why it has to be four, I don't know.  This happens every time she goes with me to pick Kiddy#2 up.

Once finally in Kiddy#2's class I've noticed that there are two new babies.  They are so small still, too gorgeous for words.  Kiddy#2 is supposed to be in the toddler class already, but every time they try to move her she cries so much they have to go get her again.  However, yesterday she was given time-out for trying to climb on the cupboard every time the teacher turns her back to attend to another child.  Ok time-out sounds worse than it really was.  She simply took her over to the toddler class and 'put her in the corner' and walked back to the baby class.  I couldn't help finding this slightly amusing to think that she is only 16 months old and is already getting time-out!  Where previously she cried when she was taken to the toddler class, she didn't cry at all yesterday and was fine being there.  Maybe the time-out did her good!  She has got such a strong will.  No wonder she didn't give up on the idea of climbing onto the cupboard.

It is photo-day today at both schools and I'm really looking forward to seeing what their photos look like this year.  At Kiddy#1's school we've been disappointed with pictures taken in the past when Kiddy#1 looked like she was crying and the cameraman couldn't be bothered to at least try to make her smile or at least not look like she was terrified.  The last photos they took came out good though.  I'm hoping now that she is a bit older she will smile for the camera again.  It always feel like such a long wait until we can finally see the end results.

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