Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Beginnings

We had a friend over last night who commented on how he keeps expecting little Kiddy#2 to fall when she walks or rather runs around in the house.  It is amazing how mobile she is at 16 monhts!  She has perfected the art of walking and has decided that it isn't enough, she needs to run (with a couple of funny dance steps in-between) to where she wants to be.  Needless to say she falls often and also got a couple of bumps and bruises along the way!  In last month she tripped and bumped her forehead against a metal sliding door frame and had a huge egg on her forehead to show for it.  On Sunday we had a meeting and as we were about to get her and Kiddy#1 ready to leave and her Dad just put her in her pram and turned his back for a second, she stood up and before anyone could react fell forward and onto her head.  Luckily there were no serious injuries, but we got a big fright.  What baffles me is that even if they fall and get hurt, they just do the same thing again.

She is such a happy and content little toddler.  She knows so well when she is being naughty, it is written all over her face!  She has a way of trying to hide a smile when being mischievous.  It is so cute!

This morning I wanted to walk past Kiddy#1 as she was standing at the corner of our bed.  Space is a bit limited in our room with extra cupboards and Kiddy#2's cot in there, and I said to Kiddy#1 "excuse me please" for her to move away.  So the cheeky monkey replied with "I'm sowwy mommy!".  It was too sweet for words!  I explained to her that she had nothing to be sorry for and that I just wanted to walk past her.  I'm not quite sure she knew what I was going on about.  In the car she spilled her Smurphy breakfast cereal and immediately replied in a very loud voice "I'm sowwy!".  Of course no-one can be upset after hearing such an earnest apology from a 3-year old!

The breakfast cereal is more like a treat for her than anything else.  She does get a proper breakfast at school.  Seeing that we drop her off quite early, it helps her not to be too hungry before breakfast is being served.

Kiddy#1 is starting at her new school in January.  We have decided to move her to the same school her sister is attending.  We must still find a way to tell her without her being worried about it.  The school has an open-day later this month where the children could meet their new teachers for the next year.  I think this would help prepare her for the new school year.  It will be quite a big change for her as she has been with her current school since she was a baby.  Hopefully she will make friends in no time.  She is a very outgoing child, so I'm feeling positive that she would.

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