Yesterday was such a mission getting Kiddy#1 and Kiddy#2 to school. Before we even left the house Kiddy#1 started whining... "Mommy, I want a different teacher. My teacher is fighting to me". (she always says 'to me' instead of 'with me'). I have come to the conclusion that she misinterprets firmness as fighting. She says the same to us when we are being firm with her. The reason for this, I think, is because at her school she was at last year she was pretty much left to do whatever she pleased and is expecting the same now. Thankfully this school is quite strict on discipline so hopefully she will realize soon enough that she needs to obey the teachers (and us of course!!!).
I have mentioned to her current teacher that discipline never seemed a high priority at her previous school and that we really want this to improve significantly. She knows about saying please and thank you, but when it comes to listening when she needs to sit still or do something we ask her to do or wait in line it is a completely different story. For my own sanity I keep telling myself that this is just a phase and it will improve...
Anyway, back to yesterday, so it was a nightmare dropping them off because Kiddy#1 refused to get into the car, then refused to get out at school, then wouldn't go into the pedestrian gate... Eventually once we were inside, little Kiddy#2's eyes were so big and her teacher asked her what was wrong. She obviously was in shock by watching her sister behaving so badly.
This morning I was dreading the trip to school because it is quite embarrassing and enormously frightening if you are screaming like a crazy person when your child runs up the sidewalk on a busy street!
I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. She was behaving so well and was nice to everyone for a change. She hugged the teachers, even smiled at them! Can't wait for the day when she actually says good morning to the teachers when they greet her!
Okay, rewind back to last night... I forgot to mention this little bit of info... We were having a casual conversation in the lounge when I mentioned something about Kiddy#1's teaching saying that she is doing her schoolwork so well when little Kiddy#1 said as if it is nothing "I have a boyfriend" and carried on with what she was doing! I mean, really? She is 4 years old!! When I was that young my friends and I all thought boys had germs! It is quite obvious that she doesn't really understand the term "boyfriend" but to hear your 4-year old daughter tell you that she has one is quite a shock to one's system!
Her teacher has told me a few times that Kiddy#1 only plays with this one boy at school or rather chases him around all day. She must have joked about it and that is most probably where Kiddy#1 must have heard about the little boy being her boyfriend. Maybe it is time to schedule some play dates with some girls from her class.... :)
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