Last night I was convinced that I broke my little toe after bumping it against the skirting on my way to the kitchen. I'm not so sure anymore if it is broken, but it is still very sore and I walk funny as a result of it. This morning, sore foot and all, I had to rush as usual to get myself ready for work and the girls ready for school.
The alarm went of at 6am. I snoozed it... I snoozed it again... and again... and again... and again... Then I just switched it off. At 6:30am I flew out of bed, grabbed whatever was closest to wear, gave Kiddy#1 her favourite breakfast cereal and let her watch an animation movie while I was getting ready. I need to leave by 7:30am to be back in time to start work at 8am without having to rush.
I got Kiddy#1 dressed and combed her hair and she brushed her teeth. I walked past the bunny's cage and saw that he was busy pulling the cardboard out from under the area he uses as a toilet. So I had to get a plastic bag in the kitchen to remove the mess he has made. Got back and as I was taking the cardboard out he jumped forward, pushed against it and the poo went flying into his water bowl! I was not impressed. Cleaned the cage and of course then had to change his water.
While Kiddy#1 put her socks and shoes on it was Kiddy#2's turn. Got her out of her cot and took her to our room to change her nappy and clothes and get her ready. Of course by the time we reached our bedroom I've noticed that her eyes were almost sealed shut with yellow discharge because of the wind blowing in her face over the weekend. For some reason her eyes seem to be very sensitive to wind. What I thought would be a quick wipe of her face turned into a real battle and it took much longer than expected.
As we headed for the front door I realized Kiddy#1 only put one shoe on. Got her to put the other one on. As I was about to pick up the bags again, I remembered they haven't had their cough medicine (season is changing so they both have a couch) nor their vitamins. Ran back to the kitchen, keep in mind my foot is still very sore, got a spoon and ran back to them in the lounge to give them what they needed. Kiddy#1 got upset because I gave to Kiddy#2 first and she ran into the passage and refused to come back when I called her. After 'serious negotiation' she finally came back, got her vitamins and we were ready to go.
Got outside, there are two ways to get to the car. I had Kiddy#2 in my arms, went one way, of course Kiddy#1 took the long way. It already was past 7:30am. She wanted me to chase her to get her into the car... not fun when you are already late... Got in the car and Kiddy#1 showed me she scribbled on her hand. This was the point where I thought I might as well give up in trying to be back in time. Ran back into the house... with my sore foot... and got wet wipes. Got back in the car and took off only to land up behind a slow driver. I was furious by that time.
Got to school, and took Kiddy#2 to her class. Kiddy#1 wanted to greet a teacher who was talking to another teacher. This took ages. Eventually got her to her class and did a power walk to the car and took off. Only to drive behind an even slower car this time. To say I was frustrated is putting it lightly. Anyway, I managed to walk into the office at a minute or two after 8am. After the hectic morning I still consider it as on time!
My foot is till sore...
Yup, only in the life of a mom with small children. I sometimes wonder if it gets any easier to get out of the front door as they grow up? Only time will tell. First of all, you are lucky your daughter wears shoes. Mine doesn't. Haven't all summer long. Now winter is approaching and I can just feel in my bones a power struggle is on its way. Everyday. For the rest of winter. I think they should send each and every parent for negotiation classes. Forget baby and toddler classes, negotiation classes. Will make much more sense. O, and for the scribble on the hand- you are a good mommy. I will probably just give her an evil eye and take her to school with the scribble on the hand!
And they say people living in Cape Town are laid back and relaxed! If you think that is hectic, come do that morning here in Gauteng, with all the traffic and taxis!
And then they say bribery is wrong! Oh believe me, depending on where in Cape Town you are, traffic can be really bad. Especially if you are one of the 'lucky' ones having to come into town from Table View. So glad that I don't have to do that anymore! Oh yes, my negotiation skills are improving by the day. Whether it gets easier... I don't think so, but it is good to dream...
Sjoe, rough morning! Blame it on the bunny!
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